Saturday, September 24, 2011

"It's all about the process"

"Well, it's all about the process isn't it, not the end product..."

That's what my boss said, and I couldn't tell if it was ironic or not.

Casa de Campo at dusk
This was in the middle of my art class for 2-3 year olds when one wee girl was being washed in a bucket after getting paint all over her wee self, and I was fleeing about, schooshing paint into trays and saying 'that's excellent Lucia/Irene/Gorka/Sergio, how about painting on the paper now?'

I am completely of the opinion that with 2 and 3 year olds it's always going to be about the process, and to be honest, I'd be making variations on 'dark sludge' too if it was me. But of course parents want to see something pretty... maybe next week eh.

If only it had only been 4 kids maybe there'd have been less chaos, but it was more like 14, plus their parents! But apparently not many have signed up for next week yet. I hope some come though because I've spent the last half hour trying different ways of using wax-resist and dark blue paint to make fishy scenes, and attempting to get into the frame of mind of an excited 3 year old. If anyone has one nearby, can I borrow them for practise? Never thought I'd be wishing for a small child's company.

It was fun though, and so was having a beer outside afterwards, hiding them from the kids and their parents as they cycled by. Teachers drinking straight after class doesn't look so good I imagine, necessary as it usually is.

This is a photo from the Teleferico, the cable car that goes out of the city into the massive big park.
Really cool views. Beware- if you go near closing time, they won't take you back and you'll have to walk down some very quiet paths to get back to civilisation. Try and get back to the metro before dark...

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